Release Date: August 14, 2024

Community Newsletter

Welcome to our community newsletter! On the first Wednesday of each month we release this exclusive content to our CRSL community. Enjoy interviews, research briefs, book reviews, videos, plus our community forums and threads where you can connect with other link-minded leaders.
A man with medium dark skin tone, with black hair pulled back in a pony tail and with a beard read on a tablet by a window.

What's included?

  • Monthly editions
  • Research briefs
  • Community forums and threads
  • Links and recommendations
  • Interviews, editorials, and so much more!

Keep up to date with the latest research

As leaders, we rarely have time to comb through the research journals to discover what the latest findings are related to our work building culturally responsive schools. let the CRSLi team do the work for you and stay current with the latest findings through the community newsletter! 

Build Community with other CRSL's

Our community nesletter not only provides you with resources and information, but also a space, discussion forums, and topic-specific threads to connect with other CRSL's. We all need community to do this challenging work. Be a part of building this unique community devoted to racial equity and social justice in education. 

Community Newsletter Editions

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