Sustain and scale culturally responsive leadership across your school or system After the Academy.
After attending a CRSLI Academy, leaders need professional learning that is...
Job Embedded, Sustained, Socialized, and Just-In-Time
We call our program After the Academy because research tells us that educational leaders need certain kinds of supports to change their practices. Effective professional learning for leaders must be: sustained, job-embedded, modeled, active, just-in-time, coached and collaborative (Abedini, et al., 2021; Coakes & Clarke, 2006; Darling-Hammond et al., 2017; Lave & Wenger, 1991; Stoll & Seashore Louis, 2007). Our Academies provide an immersive and paradigm-shifting experience for learners; After the Academy is the solution for deepening and extending CRSL so that it takes root.
We also know that many schools, districts and educational organizations cannot send their entire leadership staff to a CRSLI Academy; After the Academy also provides school systems with the resources and support they need to deepen and scale CRSL across the system.
How does it work?
Socialized, Professional Leadership Learning
- Inquiry-driven, discussion-oriented, and practice-based
- Learn by doing; learn through collaborative inquiry.
Collaborative, Active and Job-Embedded
- Implement in your school/district
- Implement it In Person OR Online
- Inquiry-Based PLC format
Modeled, Coached and Just-in-Time
- Monthly “After the Academy” online support sessions for program sponsors
- Paced with implementation in mind
What's included?
Each course includes four 1-hour collaborative learning sessions, as well as additional materials to support program sponsors.
Each Session Includes
- Lectures and videos
- Discussions and writing
- Team knowledge checks
- Collaboration activities
- Job-embedded applications
In Between Sessions
- Implement job-embedded assignments
- Practice critical reflection
- Complete short readings from scholarly texts
Materials You Will Use
- Course workbooks
- Course modules
- Articles and other resources
- The core text* Culturally Responsive School Leadership by Muhammad Khalifa
Support You Will Receive
- Onboarding and guidance for implementing After the Academy
- Monthly online support sessions with CRSLI staff
- Virtual networking with other program sponsors
Gather Regularly
Meet Flexibly
Learn Collaboratively
After the Academy Courses
What do the learning session materials look like?
Who is a good fit for After the Academy?
After the Academy Subscription for Leadership Teams
Choose your plan
Frequently Asked Questions
What does "program sponsor" mean?
How do I register my leadership team members?
How will my leadership team members access the course?
Does the registration fee include the cost for the course book (i.e., Culturally Responsive School Leadership by Muhammad Khalifa)?
If we cannot meet every week to complete the course, can we create a different schedule?
Do we need to start and complete the course within a certain time window?
Will we have support from or interaction with the CRSLI faculty through this course?
Is a syllabus provided?
Ready to Sign Up?
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