Professional Development > Keynotes

Real change takes action.

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As the most-cited scholar in the field of educational leadership and administration, as well as a leading expert on culturally responsive school leadership, Dr. Muhammad Khalifa is often asked to give keynote addresses. A powerful and action-oriented public speaker, Dr. Khalifa has a unique approach to speaking engagements through which he combines research, theory and practical action to catalyze transformational learning. If your organization is interested in recruiting Dr. Khalifa as a keynote speaker, you can find helpful information below and a form to request a quote.
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Booking a Keynote Address

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Dr. Muhammad Khalifa, a bald man with dark skin tone wearing a gray suit and tie. He stands on a stage with a large screen behind him holding a microphone and talking to the audience.

Common Keynote Topics and Themes

While Dr. Khalifa has broad expertise in educational leadership and can present on a range of topics, he is most often requested to speak on the following themes:
  • Centering Minoiritized Students and Communities in Educational Leadership
  • Promoting Inclusive Spaces for Minoritized Youth
  • Ancestral Knowledges and Community Assets
  • The Need for Critical Self-Reflective School Leaders
  • Historicizing Systems of Inequity
  • The Humanization of Minoritized Youth
  • Culturally Responsive Instructional Leadership
  • Equity Audits and Culturally Responsive Approaches to Data Work

Logistics of Keynotes
Because Dr. Khalifa is in high demand as a speaker and presenter (as well as a full professor), we encourage submitting your request to schedule speaking engagements at least 2-4 months in advance. Fees for keynotes vary based on the specifics of the engagement. You can request a quote for a keynote address by completing the form below.

Virtual Keynotes
For organizations that are distributed or international, virtual keynotes can also be requested. Dr. Khalifa and the staff at CRSLI are extremely experienced in providing effective, engaging presentations to educational professionals in the virtual space. If interested in this solution, please indicate so in the form below.

Inspire culturally responsive action.

“I argue that it is not enough to want equity or to have courageous conversations; school leaders must enact school structures that will promote and embrace unique cultural knowledge that is consistent with the lives of children.”

Muhammad Khalifa, PhD

Culturally Responsive School Leadership, p. 19

Request a Keynote